Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions govern your use of the easy-coupons.com website as well as your responsibilities as a user. You will not use the website for any illegal or forbidden purpose as set out in these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions apply if you use easy-coupons.com.

  1. Coupon, Voucher, Discount Codes, and Other Offers Validity

We try our hardest to ensure that all of the codes and offers provided on easy-coupons.com are up to date and legitimate, but we can't check them all. It's up to you to double-check that the promised discount was applied when you input the code during the checkout process on the advertisers' website.

  1. Guidance

The information and content of easy-coupons.com is provided solely for educational purposes. It is not intended to be taken as advise, and we should not be used to make or avoid any purchasing decisions.

  1. Changes to the Website

easy-coupons.com retains the right to make any changes or amendments to easy-coupons.com, whether temporary or permanent, as needed and at our discretion, without warning or notice. We will not be held liable for any changes that may arise.

  1. Modifications to the Terms & Conditions

We may change these Terms and Conditions from time to time, and we will post an updated version on easy-coupons.com.

  1. Hyperlinks to Other Websites

easy-coupons.com contains links to third-party websites that are managed and controlled by others, and we cannot be held liable for their content or accessibility.

  1. GDPR legislation and privacy policy

We only ask for a limited amount of personal information, which is exclusively used for the reason for which it was collected. Your email information will not be shared or sold with anyone else. For additional information, please check our privacy policy.

  1. Copyright protection

The easy-coupons.com website design, text, graphics, and all software and source codes associated with the Website are all owned or licensed by easy-coupons.com or used as permitted by law. You

When you visit easy-coupons.com, you agree to use the content strictly for personal, non-commercial purposes. Without prior written permission, you may not download, copy, reproduce, transmit, store, sell, or distribute any of the content found.

  1. Liability disclaimers and limitations

To the extent permissible by law, the Website is given “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” without any representation or endorsement and without guarantee of any kind.

  1. Indemnification

You agree to hold easy-coupons.com harmless from and against all liabilities, legal fees, damages, losses, costs, and other expenses arising out of any claims or actions brought against easy-coupons.com arising out of any breach by you of these Terms and Conditions or other liabilities arising out of your use of this Website.

Governing Law No. 10

These Terms & Conditions are regulated by and construed in accordance with Pakistani law, and you agree to submit to the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of Pakistani courts.

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